One thing a lot of buyers don’t think about when moving into a new home is having an emergency fund. Emergencies and accidents happen and repairs may be needed once you move into a new home. I know you may have just spent a lot of money on down payment, closing costs and moving costs but its really important to have money set aside in a separate account and continue adding to it so if something major comes up you have the money to take care of it.
How Can I Help You With Your Broomfield Real Estate Needs?
I am consistently among the top real estate agents in Broomfield and I strive to exceed client expectations.
You May Be Wondering… What is My Home Worth?
Do you wonder what your home is worth in the current market? Do you desire a specific Property Valuation Report that I routinely prepare for my clients? Please contact me.
If you are considering buying or selling, I would appreciate the opportunity to earn your business (or that of a friend you think I could help).
Visit Phone: 720.351.8488, or [email protected]
For questions regarding the Broomfield Real Estate Market in general contact:
John Grandt
Realtor® | Real Estate Negotiation Specialist
North Star Team at Compass
[email protected]