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Posts Tagged ‘buying a bigger house’

What’s The Right Homebuyer Timeline?

If you're looking to buy a home in the near future it's a good idea to understand the timeline to purchase a home. Do you have a lease that's expiring and want to make sure you a...

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Three Positive Homebuyer Trends

Have you delayed your plans to buy a house because of how competitive the market was over the past few years? If so, listen to this. Today’s market is different.

Here’s a look...

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What It Means To Be in a Sellers’ Market

If you’ve given even a casual thought to selling your house in the near future, this is the time to really think seriously about making a move. Here’s why this season is the ultima...

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How Much Do I Need For A Down Payment On A House?

Is the idea of saving for a down payment holding you back from buying a home right now? You may be eager to take advantage of today’s low mortgage rates, but the thought of needing a large down payment might make you want to pump the b...

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